Why a Shade different than the Usual makes all the Difference

Why a Shade, a Valance, Drapery or a Cornice
makes all the Difference in a Room
Photo courtesy of Samuel & Sons
Now that Thanksgiving weekend is over, I'm back to work on my interior design projects.  Most of the rooms I'm designing need new window treatments. It's always interesting to see how a room comes together, when the window treatment is installed.

So much thought goes into window treatments. Besides the function of the window treatment (control of light, heat, sound) is the decision on the type or color of fabric, whether it is lined or interlined and if it requires hardware (poles, rods, etc.) at installation.

Not only does designing a window treatment require alot of thought, it requires collaboration with the fabricator, the fabric suppliers and the installer. It challenges the designer to mix together all the elements of design for the purpose of pleasing her client's eye and transforming a space.

I can't wait to see the fabrics I'll find at the fabric showrooms this week - it's where the transformation of those windows will begin to take shape!

Mary Alice Smith, based in New Jersey, is an interior designer the New Jersey and metropolitan New York areas. 
She can be reached at 732 690-2030 or at masmith729@comcast.net.

After you read this blog - check out my website and blog:
M. A. Smith Ltd.,Interior Design
House Zen Garden Blog