A Common Decorating Problem and a Quick Solution

Photo courtesy of andy-lee.com
'Even the moon is imperfect'
 Part IV - The Problem of Wanting Perfection
Perfect! Excellent! How often do you hear those exclamations? But what is 'perfect' for you may be not-so-perfect to another. Why do some people have the need to make everything perfect in their home?
When can a room achieve perfection? Is it when every thread in the drapery is absolutely flawless? Then you will never appreciate the beauty of linen. Or is it when the table finish remains pristine and unscratched after years? Then you probably didn't use it, or if you did, it caused such fear that wine spilt might destroy the finish or a child's toy would mar the shine.
As Michael J. Fox once said "I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for; perfection is God's business." Rooms designed with excellence in mind rather than perfection will be enjoyed for years. But decorating for the sake of perfection is an exercise in futility.
For instance, I have seen hundreds of professionally designed homes in my life, yet none were perfect. I have a good eye and I can spot an imperfection anywhere. Luckily, I can look past the imperfection, take in the beauty of the room and enjoy the excellence of the design.
Someone once said "Striving for perfection is the greatest form of self-hatred." I agree. Over the years, I have noticed that people who crave perfection are often stuck. They are often the prospects I visit who've been wanting to decorate for years, but just can't move forward.
Life isn't meant to be perfect, it is meant to be lived. Eliminate the word "perfection" and lean towards excellence when you decorate your home. 

Lesson 4 - Go for Excellence not perfection - so you can enjoy the beauty before you.

Check back tomorrow for Part V in the Series on  Five Top Decorating Problems and their Solutions
M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Blog: HouseZenGarden
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New

One of the Top 5 Decorating Problems most People Struggle with in Decorating their Homes?

Part III - The Problem of Choosing the Right Color

Last weekend I was at a local paint store picking up paint color samples for a client. A woman next to me asked my opinion on her choice of color for her walls. She had no time to test out samples. This was the moment she had to decide on the color for her Living Room walls.

So, because of my experience with paint colors, I sliced through a decision quickly for her. I picked out a color that I knew would work with her trim color. It was a neutral warm beige that will never go out of style, one that would work with any other accent color in her furnishings.

I could see the struggle and frustration on her face change to relief once she had her choice in hand. But for many, selecting colors for their home can be overwhelming. Color speaks volumes to us, reveals who we are and affects us more than we know. 
My red 'Mary Hartline' dress
Everyone has 'color stories' that show up when they have to make a 'color decision.' Sometimes a person's happy experience with a certain color in childhood, becomes a favorite color thread that repeatedly shows up in their life.

My love of red goes back to my 'Mary Hartline' twirling outfit I wore as a 5 year old or the red roses my Dad planted along our fence. My friend Mary-Jo loves blue because it reminds her of her childhood on the Jersey Shore.

Reflect on the colors that appeal to you or that you remark on often. They are a clue on which direction to pursue for colors in your home. The color doesn't have to cover the all walls, it can be an accent color threaded throughout your home.
A great solution for choosing colors is to visit a paint store and purchase their large sample sheets. Or, purchase small sample jars of paint and paint two coats on a large 20" x 30" foamcore board. This way you can move the board or sample sheet around the room without messing up your walls.
The process above takes the guesswork out of problems with color. Then, you'll be confident to choose the color that will make you smile. 

After all, it's your life and it's a chance to live the kind of 'colorful life' you were meant to live.  

Lesson 3 - Don't worry, be happy by choosing a color that calls to you!

Check back tomorrow for Part IV in the Series on the 5 Top Decorating Problems and their Solutions

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Blog: HouseZenGarden
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New

Five of the Most Common Decorating Problems

Photo of Lily Tomlin courtesy of Biography.com
Part II of Five Part Series:

What are the Top 5 Decorating Problems most people struggle with in decorating their homes?

You've talked about it to friends, families and co-workers. You know their eyes glaze over when you bring up the subject of decorating your home. Day after day they've heard your struggles, issues and problems in starting your home renovation. But I would say it's not that the time isn't right or you have too much to do. It's often more about your -


As told in the book "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz, the only way to "cure fear and gain confidence" is to "use action." Fear keeps you from making the phone call to the architect, the contractor or the interior designer. It keeps things as you know them, with no change and only dreams of what could be.

But, if it helps, I too have to deal with fear. Fear that the floorplan I spent hours on won't be acceptable for the client. Fear that the color we chose for the wall will be too light or too bright, even though in my heart I know it will be wonderful.

The good news is that you can overcome your fear. You have the power to change today. If there is one thing you could do today to move forward and it's only making a phone call - that's great! You don't have to manage it all today. But give yourself a break and overcome your fear of change.

 In another story about fear, Schwartz's book talks about Edward R. Murrow (famous newscaster) who was always in a great sweat and "on the edge" before going on-air. But the minute the camera settled on him, his fear magically disappeared.

So pick up the phone, call the number, take a deep breath and you're well on your way to transforming your world as Lily Tomlin says -"One ringy dingy" at a time!

Lesson 2 - Destroy your fear through action!

Look for Part III in the Series on the 5 Top Decorating Problems and their Solutions

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Blog: HouseZenGarden
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York

Five of the Top Home Decorating Problems and Solutions

Five Part Series 
"What are the Top 5 Decorating Problems and Solutions most people struggle
with in decorating their homes"?

Part I
It's not unusual when I meet someone for the first time (and they hear that I am a designer), that the subject of conversation concerns problems in decorating their home. Besides being one of the most important parts of life, decorating a home can also be a source of great frustration and anxiety. The first problem is one of the easiest problems to solve.

1. Lack of money to decorate.

It seems we never have enough money to do what we would like to do in decorating our homes. But, as a designer, I know that there is always a solution. You see, even if it is not exactly what you desire, it can come pretty close, or actually end up a better solution.  
For instance, in researching for a kitchen light fixture for a client, the fixture initially chosen exceeded the budget after other factors were added to the mix. But, within a week, I found a fixture that not only was less in price, it actually was prettier than the original fixture we had chosen.
Lesson 1 - there is always an answer, you just have to keep looking!

Check back tomorrow for Part II in the Series on the 5 Top Decorating Problems and Solutions

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York

How can I decorate when I don't have time to decorate?

You have great intentions to decorate a room, an entire home or even just a window, but  lack the time it needs to get started. Weeks go by, years maybe, but every day you get further away from achieving your dream home.

Frustrating as it may seem, your goals are still achievable as long as you still have 'the dream'. Any successful decorating project starts with a need, then becomes a dream and eventually a reality.

You may have a need or a wish for a home that you feel comfortable sharing with your friends. Or, maybe you have to start over and begin the task of home renovation, especially if your home was harmed by Hurricane Sandy.

Wherever you are now, you can begin the transformation today. It may begin with a phone call to get an estimate for painting.

For instance, last week I met with a family to choose paint colors. As of yesterday, the scheme is in hand and the painter was contacted to schedule the job. This was on their to-do list for years, but it took a phone to make it happen.

The only difference in tackling or not tackling your to-do list may be as simple as making a phone call or sending an email to get things going. 

A phone call to me pointed another client in the direction of renovating their kitchen, that was destroyed by flooding from Hurricane Sandy. While we had to work with the same size kitchen, I presented three different options for a kitchen floorplan to give the space a more open and updated look.

Whether choosing paint colors, sofa selection, flooring or total renovation, the goal as a designer is to create your dream home and move things along to get you there quicker, with less stress and within your budget. Everyone has a to-do list or a wish list for their home.

What's on your decorating list, that could start with a phone call today?

To obtain an estimate for your renovating, remodeling or decorating project, click this link -
Interior Design help in NJ to email me or call 732 690-2030 to:

     Set up a meeting to discuss your project today!

        Have a great day,
        Mary Alice

Who are The Best Interior Designers in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey?

Who are The Best Interior Designers in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey?

Designing a home can be an overwhelming challenge for the majority of homeowners. Today, there are innumerable resources from the home furnishings industry and scores of websites that sell on-line furniture, window treatments or flooring. 

However, while an array of options is limitless, there still remains a problem for many in how to determine the correct furnishings to finish their homes.

One of the best answers  of the question “who can I call and trust for interior design help” is my list of some of my competitors, that have a long and successful track record in my area of Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. On my list of respected interior designers is the following:

1.       Byford & Mills – besides their store location in Little Silver, NJ, they offer not only in-store design service, but also help with residential decorating projects.
2.       Lawrence-Mayer-Wilson Interior Design –a full-service design firm, LMW has been in existence since 1980. Their store features not only furnishings but a wide selection of fabric samples and accessories. Their staff is well-versed in all phases of interior design.
3.      Sheila Rich Interiors – besides space planning for both residential and commercial interior design, Sheila has over 30 years experience, including active membership in the NJ ASID and participation in the International Interior Design Association.
4.       Zakson’s in Brick, NJ – not only a showcase for high end furniture, the store features art, accessories, carpet, rugs, and wallpaper. Interior designers are on staff to work with clients at their main store and also at their outlet store.
5.       Geri Ruka – Geri Ruka of Spring Lake, NJ has over 31 years of experience working as a full service design firm handling all phases of interior design, including custom cabinetry design.

While there are many talented designers across the state, two of the most important elements in a successful design experience are:
The ability to listen to clients needs and problems before designing the home
Experience in all phases of design from new construction to remodeling

The combination of the two elements above, with your willingness to start a design project, will help to ensure a successful result and enjoyable experience.

Schedule a Free Initial ‘Getting to Know You' Consultation in New Jersey by Clicking on the Link Below.

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York

Rebuilding your Home after Hurricane Sandy

For Homeowners Who Must Rebuild their Homes From Hurricane Damage

Many of my clients suffered damage to their homes as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Some will rebuild from the ground up and others will need to rebuild portions of their home.
However, before they receive my help with interior furnishings, they will be involved with the construction phase of their rebuild. 

One home that suffered damage will have new entry doors. The doors will not only comply with hurricane resistant building construction, but will help to reconfigure the entry area to provide better traffic flow.
Some clients will hire architects and construction companies to create a new floorplan with the existing footprint of the home. Often, I work closely with client, their architects and builders to make sure the floorplan suits the lifestyle of the homeowners.

With all that is involved with home re-construction, it can be a time of great upheaval. However, it can also be a time to reinvent and ultimately restore a house and improve its safety and functionality. 
If you or someone you know is involved in rebuilding, here are a few points to note:
  • Partner with your builder or contractor and make sure you understand the best ways to rebuild using hurricane resistant building materials and construction. 
  • Take the time to read links that give you detailed information such as:
The Institute for Business & Home Safety's website: http://www.anpac.com/safety/home/IBHS/RebuildingAfterAHurricane.pdf
If you have any questions relating to rebuilding or need referrals for architects or licensed contractors, please email me at: masmith729@comcast.net

Let's get this done together and let's do it right!

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York

How Long Will it Take to Decorate My Home?

Photo courtesy of Coastal Living Magazine

How long will my decorating project take to complete?

 If you have major construction planned, the most important thing to keep in mind is to: 
  • Have a detailed construction calendar and budget plan. 
  • Work up a calendar with all involved and list everything that needs to be done. This way everyone on the construction team knows when YOU want to get the renovation done. This way you'll have a grasp of the costs at each step of construction.
  • Daily or frequent communication with the builder or contractor is key to keep things moving. Will you be able to communicate through email or phone or both?

If you are remodeling and need to change flooring, wall board, lighting or planning a new kitchen or bath, the most important thing to do is:
  • Go to home improvement stores, tile and flooring stores, kitchen and bath resources, or appliance stores as soon as possible to choose your selections
  • Some items may need to be ordered, so you need to factor the time waiting. 
  • Again, use a calendar and a list to determine what is feasible and most important to achieve time wise and budget-wise.
If you are in need of an update to a room, the most important thing to do is to:
  • Know exactly what you need to get a 'finished' room done. 
  • Yes, you may need to buy furniture, but don't forget that accessories, lighting and rugs will pull it all together and make you room look finished. 
If you're still not sure where to start or what to do, or if you can be ready in time for a holiday or special occasion, you may need some help from an interior designer.

An interior designer has an eye for what works and what doesn't work. We'll tell you what can or cannot be accomplished within a given time frame or budget.

Most important, we provide you with the encouragement to press on and make the decisions without stress or doubt.
M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York

Why Gratitude Will Keep You on Track

Gratitude will keep you on track in almost any situation in life. Survivors tell stories about how the most seemingly insignificant thing kept them from losing their sanity.

Since we are battling devastating conditions here in the northeast after Hurricane Sandy, I will share a few of the things that I am grateful for today:

  • My family, including pets! - they are safe
  • Friends and neighbors who continue to amaze us
  • Our community of Toms River,NJ - people of all ages stepping up
  • Other states from across the country who send utility trucks to help
  • Our JCP & L for doing the best they can
  • 101.5 radio for one of the best stations with pertinent info
  • Facebook, and Apple for essential communication using my iPad, iPhone and Verizon Wireless
  • Our Governor Chris Christie - a true leader
  • Hope and determination -instilled in my by my parents
I could go on, but you get the point. Keep moving. Say "Thank you God for ...... Then, right foot, left foot. One step and one day at a time.

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York

What to Say When You Don't Know What to Say

Here in the northeast we are faced with the aftermath of a horrific hurricane.

So, at first I thought I should postpone blog writing and dig in the trenches, as so many are doing these days.

However, while I was 'digging' I remembered what Mom used to say to me when I needed some encouragement. She always said - "this too shall pass."

Now this piece of advice was from a woman who lived through losing two brothers at an early age. She also lived during the eras of the First and Second World Wars, the Great Depression, the Vietnam War and to top it all off - breast cancer.

If Mom's saying can inspire me, I only wish and pray that today it will inspire at least one person who needs some hope amidst their losses.

Truly, this tough time shall pass and we'll get there one day at a time, together.

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York

Part V - Continued...Choosing the Right Fabric for Your Sofas and Chairs

Photo courtesy of F. Schumacher
Imagine the chairs above, upholstered in a tiny floral print. Instead of noticing the graceful lines of the chairs, your eyes would stop at the pattern of the fabric. The lines of the chairs would be lost, because chairs like the ones shown above require fabric that enhances not detracts from their form.

An easy way to decide on which fabric to use are the following suggestions:
  • Use traditional fabric on traditional pieces (unless you are a skilled designer with loads of experience)
  • Large rooms can handle large repeating patterns, smaller rooms can get a great look using fabrics with a great texture
  • Solid fabrics will maintain a 'timeless' look
  • Use the color on the upholstery to enhance the mood of the room. Warm up the room or cool it down with color (reds, orange, yellows are warm/blues, greens are cool, for instance)
  • Tight woven fabrics often last longer and keep their shape better than loose weaves
  • Decide if the sofa or chair needs sun resistant fabric
  • Will the sofa be used daily or just for company? Durability is key for daily use when selecting fabrics for sofas and chairs
  • Use pillows to update or refresh with the change of seasons
  • When in doubt go neutral with the sofa fabric - add color and pattern with throws
It's not so hard to choose the right fabric, if you take the time to cover the points above.
After all, decorating is supposed to be fun - right?

Stay 'tuned' for the next BestDesignCoach blog post to find out about my Website's list of the most important items to consider when decorating a Home.

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and metropolitan New York

Part V - How to Choose Fabrics for Your Home

Photo courtesy of Phoebe Howard/Coastal Living
Are we talking about fabrics for your sofas and chairs? Yes, because you'll probably invest more in fabric for seating than for other uses such as: windows, bedding, pillows, etc. Fabrics for seating come in a vast array of fibers. Choose wisely and your seating will last longer and look better for years to come.

What fibers are available to give durability? Look for tightly woven fabrics or pile fabrics (with uncut loops) that have a deep and close pile like velvet, for instance. Some fabrics also have latex applied to the back to prevent unravelling.

Now that you see how important the fibers are to your seating, you can give more attention to the style of your seating fabric. Check back soon and we'll talk about what you should think about when choosing color or pattern for your sofas and armchairs.

Stay 'tuned' for the next  BestDesignCoach blog post to find out about my Website's  list of the most important items to consider when decorating a Home.

So if you or someone you know is renovating, redecorating or involved with a new construction project - send them to this page or better, send them to me to see how we can help them, or you!

Then call me, M. A. Smith at 732 690-2030 or email me at:
masmith729@comcast.net to get your project off to a great start.

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and metropolitan New York with exceptional interior design

Part IV - The ups and downs of Window Treatments

Photo courtesy of Southern Living magazine

Today's topic from my website's list of my interior design services is :  Window Treatments.

Years ago, at the start of my interior design career, I experienced a lot of 'ups and downs' especially when it came to window treatment design. Problem windows, problems with estimating window treatments, problems with installing window treatments were on my daily agenda. But, I was determined to get a handle on this, one of the most important aspects of designing a room.
What changed and what did I learn over those years of angst and worry? The answer I found, after the first few projects, was that the most important place to start when designing window treatments is  -measuring correctly! Also, I discovered the importance of taking more than enough photographs of the undecorated window and the surrounding walls and ceiling.
In addition, I submitted (for approval) a drawing of the window treatment, not only to my client, but also to the people who make the window treatments, the fabricators. Luckily I found not only the best fabricators, but my installers are skilled and ready to tackle any problem without losing their cool.
Besides accuracy and details, the right choice of fabric is tantamount to the end result in window design. Now, as in the past, I can say that my best designs were classic and timeless. So here's a list to keep in mind for your window treatment at home:
  • Measure accurately all windows, walls and everything near the window

  • Do you need light filtering or just a pretty treatment or ...both?

  • Would a stripe 'raise the ceiling' if used vertically?

  • Will this look good 3, 5 or 10 years from now?

  • Less is more - today's windows have a simpler profile

Lastly, there is a difference between professionally designed/fabricated window treatments and store bought. Yes, custom window treatments are more expensive, but they will look great for years to come, they will hang better than store bought, etc. Simply put, they do for a room what beautiful jewelry does in creating a look for the woman or man!

Stay 'tuned' for a BestDesignCoach blog post to find out about the next item on my Website's list to consider when decorating a home.

Most important... if you or someone you know is renovating, redecorating or involved with a new construction project - send them to this page or better, send them to me to see how we can help them, or you!

Then call me, Mary Alice at 732 690-2030 or email me at:
masmith729@comcast.net to get your project off to a great start.

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and metropolitan New York with exceptional interior design

Part III - an interior design best kept secret

Where do you start when you want to decorate your home?

Last week I visited the home of a couple I worked with earlier in the year. They are now enjoying their newly constructed home, but I remember the beginning of the project and how their design concept began.

In essence, with this couple and with all my clients, before design begins a lot of thinking and communication is the first step in the design process. For instance, in planning a room one needs to consider not only what will the room be used for, but how does it work with the adjacent rooms. In addition, how will you move around in the room?

Take the time to think through ideas like this:

  • Will the Family Room need to seat six or eight comfortably or is it for the two of you?
  • How will the room work six years from now, when the kids are away in college or when your family grows from two to six?
  • What are the lighting needs? Do you read, knit or use your laptop and is there enough task lighting?
Tried but true, function is first before purchasing furniture! So, before I head out to my resources for furnishings, I make sure to complete a 'field survey' of an existing room, including photographs and measurement of everything. If it's new construction, I study the architects' plan and determine traffic patterns and available furniture placement.

Stay 'tuned' for a BestDesignCoach blog post to find out about the next item on my Website's list to consider when decorating a home.

Most important... if you or someone you know is renovating, redecorating or involved with a new construction project - send them to this page or better, send them to me to see how we can help them, or you!

Then call me, Mary Alice at 732 690-2030 or email me at: masmith729@comcast.net to get your project off to a great start.

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and metropolitan New York with exceptional interior design

Part II - What does your Home say about You? Accessories can tell your Story

Bookcases, tabletops, walls, and what to do with them...

Photo courtesy of Albert Hadley/House Beautiful.com

How will you fill those spaces and places in your home,
so it reflects the real you?
Here are some suggestions from an interior designer who deals with this challenge daily:
  1. Work on one area at a time. What is crying for attention? Is it the empty walls, the bare tables or maybe a bookcase that needs help. This week I am working on re-doing a family room bookcase. Next week, a foyer table will be the area to tackle.
  2. Make a list of the things in your life that give you joy. For instance, my list includes family, our dogs, sailing, gardening and painting. Use accessories that reflect your passions.
  3. Gather the accessories you have and look for varying shapes, colors and textures. Shop online or hit your favorite gift stores for filler pieces that reflect only what you love.
  4. Notice Albert Hadley's bookcase arrangement above - it's interesting for its contrasts of shapes, sizes of items, or textures. Albert used items in a way that gently steers your eye from one element to the next.

Stay 'tuned' for my next BestDesignCoach blog post to find out about the second item on my website list - budget or space planning.

Most important... if you or someone you know is renovating, redecorating or involved with a new construction project - send them to this page to see how we can help them, or you!

Call Mary Alice Smith:  732 690-2030/masmith729@comcast.net

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and metropolitan New York with exceptional Interior Design