A Common Decorating Problem and a Quick Solution

Photo courtesy of andy-lee.com
'Even the moon is imperfect'
 Part IV - The Problem of Wanting Perfection
Perfect! Excellent! How often do you hear those exclamations? But what is 'perfect' for you may be not-so-perfect to another. Why do some people have the need to make everything perfect in their home?
When can a room achieve perfection? Is it when every thread in the drapery is absolutely flawless? Then you will never appreciate the beauty of linen. Or is it when the table finish remains pristine and unscratched after years? Then you probably didn't use it, or if you did, it caused such fear that wine spilt might destroy the finish or a child's toy would mar the shine.
As Michael J. Fox once said "I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for; perfection is God's business." Rooms designed with excellence in mind rather than perfection will be enjoyed for years. But decorating for the sake of perfection is an exercise in futility.
For instance, I have seen hundreds of professionally designed homes in my life, yet none were perfect. I have a good eye and I can spot an imperfection anywhere. Luckily, I can look past the imperfection, take in the beauty of the room and enjoy the excellence of the design.
Someone once said "Striving for perfection is the greatest form of self-hatred." I agree. Over the years, I have noticed that people who crave perfection are often stuck. They are often the prospects I visit who've been wanting to decorate for years, but just can't move forward.
Life isn't meant to be perfect, it is meant to be lived. Eliminate the word "perfection" and lean towards excellence when you decorate your home. 

Lesson 4 - Go for Excellence not perfection - so you can enjoy the beauty before you.

Check back tomorrow for Part V in the Series on  Five Top Decorating Problems and their Solutions
M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Blog: HouseZenGarden
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New

One of the Top 5 Decorating Problems most People Struggle with in Decorating their Homes?

Part III - The Problem of Choosing the Right Color

Last weekend I was at a local paint store picking up paint color samples for a client. A woman next to me asked my opinion on her choice of color for her walls. She had no time to test out samples. This was the moment she had to decide on the color for her Living Room walls.

So, because of my experience with paint colors, I sliced through a decision quickly for her. I picked out a color that I knew would work with her trim color. It was a neutral warm beige that will never go out of style, one that would work with any other accent color in her furnishings.

I could see the struggle and frustration on her face change to relief once she had her choice in hand. But for many, selecting colors for their home can be overwhelming. Color speaks volumes to us, reveals who we are and affects us more than we know. 
My red 'Mary Hartline' dress
Everyone has 'color stories' that show up when they have to make a 'color decision.' Sometimes a person's happy experience with a certain color in childhood, becomes a favorite color thread that repeatedly shows up in their life.

My love of red goes back to my 'Mary Hartline' twirling outfit I wore as a 5 year old or the red roses my Dad planted along our fence. My friend Mary-Jo loves blue because it reminds her of her childhood on the Jersey Shore.

Reflect on the colors that appeal to you or that you remark on often. They are a clue on which direction to pursue for colors in your home. The color doesn't have to cover the all walls, it can be an accent color threaded throughout your home.
A great solution for choosing colors is to visit a paint store and purchase their large sample sheets. Or, purchase small sample jars of paint and paint two coats on a large 20" x 30" foamcore board. This way you can move the board or sample sheet around the room without messing up your walls.
The process above takes the guesswork out of problems with color. Then, you'll be confident to choose the color that will make you smile. 

After all, it's your life and it's a chance to live the kind of 'colorful life' you were meant to live.  

Lesson 3 - Don't worry, be happy by choosing a color that calls to you!

Check back tomorrow for Part IV in the Series on the 5 Top Decorating Problems and their Solutions

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Blog: HouseZenGarden
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New

Five of the Most Common Decorating Problems

Photo of Lily Tomlin courtesy of Biography.com
Part II of Five Part Series:

What are the Top 5 Decorating Problems most people struggle with in decorating their homes?

You've talked about it to friends, families and co-workers. You know their eyes glaze over when you bring up the subject of decorating your home. Day after day they've heard your struggles, issues and problems in starting your home renovation. But I would say it's not that the time isn't right or you have too much to do. It's often more about your -


As told in the book "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz, the only way to "cure fear and gain confidence" is to "use action." Fear keeps you from making the phone call to the architect, the contractor or the interior designer. It keeps things as you know them, with no change and only dreams of what could be.

But, if it helps, I too have to deal with fear. Fear that the floorplan I spent hours on won't be acceptable for the client. Fear that the color we chose for the wall will be too light or too bright, even though in my heart I know it will be wonderful.

The good news is that you can overcome your fear. You have the power to change today. If there is one thing you could do today to move forward and it's only making a phone call - that's great! You don't have to manage it all today. But give yourself a break and overcome your fear of change.

 In another story about fear, Schwartz's book talks about Edward R. Murrow (famous newscaster) who was always in a great sweat and "on the edge" before going on-air. But the minute the camera settled on him, his fear magically disappeared.

So pick up the phone, call the number, take a deep breath and you're well on your way to transforming your world as Lily Tomlin says -"One ringy dingy" at a time!

Lesson 2 - Destroy your fear through action!

Look for Part III in the Series on the 5 Top Decorating Problems and their Solutions

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Blog: HouseZenGarden
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York

Five of the Top Home Decorating Problems and Solutions

Five Part Series 
"What are the Top 5 Decorating Problems and Solutions most people struggle
with in decorating their homes"?

Part I
It's not unusual when I meet someone for the first time (and they hear that I am a designer), that the subject of conversation concerns problems in decorating their home. Besides being one of the most important parts of life, decorating a home can also be a source of great frustration and anxiety. The first problem is one of the easiest problems to solve.

1. Lack of money to decorate.

It seems we never have enough money to do what we would like to do in decorating our homes. But, as a designer, I know that there is always a solution. You see, even if it is not exactly what you desire, it can come pretty close, or actually end up a better solution.  
For instance, in researching for a kitchen light fixture for a client, the fixture initially chosen exceeded the budget after other factors were added to the mix. But, within a week, I found a fixture that not only was less in price, it actually was prettier than the original fixture we had chosen.
Lesson 1 - there is always an answer, you just have to keep looking!

Check back tomorrow for Part II in the Series on the 5 Top Decorating Problems and Solutions

M. A. Smith, Ltd.
Interior Design
732 690-2030
Allied Member ASID
Serving New Jersey and Metropolitan New York