Why having a decorating Plan is better than having only a ‘Wing and a Prayer’ Plan

Why is having a decorating Plan a better Idea than having only a
‘Wing and a Prayer’ Plan?

Cartoon courtesy of MindTools.com

A few weeks ago a former client called for help with a room project. Simple enough, but the challenge was that it had to be completed in a few weeks. 

No small task, but approachable only through the habit of setting up a plan with detailed goals. As each goal is accomplished we check them off one-by-one.

Notice what Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith remark in their groundbreaking book The Dragonfly Effect  about goals and getting things done. In their book they remark, that when we achieve “…more, smaller success…” it serves to provide “reinforcement and sustains momentum.”

To sustain your momentum in your decorating and work projects consider the following:
1. Set detailed goals: short descriptions coupled with a completion date.

2. Mark off goals as completed.

3. Perform a weekly assessment of goal setting with every person involved in your project.
For those who have problems thinking ‘linearly’, check out this ‘Mind Map link to organize your step-by-step process. (For ease of use, you can use words rather than drawing objects!)

Have a great day!

Mary Alice Smith
M. A. Smith Interior Design 
732 608-7583

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